Friday, June 1, 2007


my poor little baby.... he has gotten a few knocks on the head before but mostly onto carpeted floors and not very hard.... well today was not so easy for him. we were at my parents and he was getting sorta sleepy and he's standing at the coffee table when he grabbed a cloth mat with both hands thinking he was still holding on to the table, he balanced for about a second then crashed to the floor... the brick floor. he had an egg immediately and a pretty nice scrape. i attempted to put a cold pack on him... my mom had frozen asparagus which didn't really work very well.... then we tried frozen peppers.... he still wasn't having the cold pack on his head even though it as through a towel... my poor bubby.... he then managed to get right back up and then fell again. he has a red mark on his cheek from that one... it's hard to see them get hurt.... he's tough though, he cried but he quickly stopped. he's resilient i guess but it still hurts me to see him hurt himself... poor little maxwell...

1 comment:

jen said...

how terrible! I'd say I'm preparing myself for bumps, but I just don't think there really is a way to be prepared. They do seem to bounce back pretty quickly though.