Thursday, November 11, 2010

Total Mom Makeover - W1D1

1. My Should's:

I should do 1-2 loads of laundry a day - including folding.
I should take junk mail directly to the trash instead of setting in the table, end of the counter, in the roll-top or with the bills.
I should clean up lunch as soon as we're finished eating.
I should wipe down the table after every meal.
I should sweep the dining room floor at least once a day, preferable after dinner.
I should make the beds.
I should plan meals a few days in advance.
I should get up earlier than the kids.
I should drink more water.
I should workout today.
I should vacuum the stairs and 2nd floor waaay more often than I do.
I should be a little more patient with my kids and cut down on the yelling.

2. Writing it in stone:

I have decided to create a better household by correcting my deficiencies.  I will do so by decreasing my procrastinations, getting up earlier, preparing my families daily needs in advance and not so last minute.  I will create more time for me and my running, knitting/crafting.  I will have a cleaner home and more time for quality relaxing with my family.

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