Friday, March 5, 2010

Favorite Foto Friday #1 - You

My friend Annie has decided to resurrect Favorite Foto Friday, a blog she used to read used to have this feature and she loved to see all the photos and loved finding new blogs to read that way.  She's decided to start this idea so far, it's just the two of us but we hope more folks will join in soon.

This is week #1 and the assignment is You.  Choose a photo that you feel really shows who you are.  It can be anything!  Be sure to include a little explanation too.  Annie has set up a little MckLinky so don't forget to add your post to the list!

My Favorite Foto Friday #1 - You:


This was taken in late November 2009, the four of us went to an old school park complete with metal slides, HUGE earth mover sized tires that had been partially buried in the land for I'm sure more than 30 years and one of those spinney merry go round things that you have to run next to to get it really going then you all hop on and enjoy the ride.  Remember those? Anyways, while there I took a ride on the swings.  I love the swings and I have loved them for as long as I can remember.  I love the feeling of flying, the breeze even on a chilly fall day and the ability to glide with my eyes closed and facing the sun.  So this is me, flying carefree on the swings!

1 comment:

Annie and Greg said...

Hi Cara!! "You" look great!