Monday, April 28, 2008

caught up, sorta kinda

so i finally took some photos of andy and uploaded to my flickr page. there are some great ones there. but this is one of my favorites:

this weekend we were sorta kinda busy, chris had a few jobs, but they weren't long ones so we still had time to be together. sunday, we took the boys to the park, max loves the park :) i do too but i think i prefer it more so during the week. we seem to have it to ourselves more during the week than on the weekend... but max doesn't seem to mind.

one thing that perplexes me though is this. a few visits ago, there was a mom and a little boy playing near the slide. the little boy wanted to climb up the slide. she stopped him and said, "no honey, you can't crawl up the slide, you have to climb up the stairs first, then you can go down the slide." chris and i found fault with this. i mean, it's a play area, you play there, you are creative there, i feel like if you want to crawl up the slide then crawl up the slide... now it's one thing if there are other kids trying to come down the slide but if that's not the case, why couldn't he climb up the slide? am i wrong here? should we be telling max that he can't climb up the slide? do you think we are wrong here? or is the other mom wrong? i'm torn by this... i feel like kids need to learn "laws" in some sort of way... is this one way to start that training? is there really black and white ways to teach those "laws"? is climbing up the slide really all that horrible? i think we've encountered a gray area in terms of what to do and not do at the park...

and since i've been slim on the photos lately, here's another:


Anna said...

This is why I don't let Henry climb up the slide: he just doesn't have the capacity to differentiate between having the slide to himself and when other kids are using it. I don't want to confuse him and I figure it's easier to have one consistent rule.

Life with Pog & FLeC said...

Hi Cara! I think Andy and Max look alike... is that true? And do they look like their pictures? I often think M looks different in person than in photos. Just curious about your guys! Take care!!

Amber said...

I have the same rule as Anna. Noah doesn't know NOT to do it when there are kids on the slide, so it's just easier to have a blanket rule. And I hate it when mothers allow their children to climb up the slide when Noah's at the top -- because again, he doesn't know that if he comes down while another child is climbing up, there will be a collision and someone is going to get hurt.

Cara said...

see, you guys are pointing out my major concern.... collision...

while i am not one to let max just run wild... i have a hard to telling him how to play.

but, i also agree that there has to be rules... man... being a parent is hard

Lisa said...

No kids yet, but I had to say that I loved climbing up the slide when I was a little kid. My sister and I would take turns climbing to the top and then sliding back down. I think if you are observant and make sure he doesn't decide to do this when others are using the slide, you should be okay.

hstarr said...

Mike and I had a long discussion lats night on this very post...the rules. What we need to teach our kids and what we can let go. I've often said I don't want to say "because I said so" as my only reason for a rule, so my general guide is that I need to have a good reason to explain to my kids why they can/can't do something if they ask "why/why not?".
Would you mind posting the part about the slide on the PittsburghMom blog? I think it really gives everyone something to think about!